Vice Aluminum Oxide

Vice Aluminum Oxide
Vice Aluminum Oxide

Vice-white alumina is a high-class brown aluminum oxide. Its name comes for its chemical composition and the physical properties, which are close to white corundum. It is as hard as white corundum but with the toughness of brown corundum.


Grit Sizes Chemical Composition % Weight
Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 SiO2
0-55mm > 98.0 > 1.00 < 030 <0.40
8-5mm > 98.0 > 1.00 < 030 <0.40
5-3mm > 98.0 > 1.00 < 030 <0.40
3-1mm > 98.0 > 1.00 < 030 <0.40
1-0mm > 97.0 > 1.20 < 030 <0.50